Family Program
At Master Rim's Taekwondo Academy, we believe that families are important! Most families value quality activities in which they can participate together. Time spent together as a family should be a priority!
Life in Alberta is busy. We want to provide a time in which your family can grow and learn together. The skills that will be learned throughout this process will be beneficial to you as a family and provide you with knowledge and skills that will enhance almost every aspect of your lives.
More benefits of joining family class?
- Time spent together as a family,building unity and getting to know each other better.
- The rate of black belt success is much higher for kids who train with their family.
- Time efficiency - the whole family can accomplish their fitness and sport training at the same time!
- Meet other positive and like-minded families.
Etiquette and discipline are important parts of every family class, but we are also here to have fun. Our instructors love teaching and it is very evident in their individual styles. We strive to keep a positive family atmosphere and challenge each family to be the best they can be!
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